MK 2280
Remote Controlled Stereophonic 2 x 80 W Integrated Amplifier, designed with solid-state technology and is totally dual-mono with polarization in class AB. SHC (System Harmonic Control) circuitry
Solid dual-mono amplifier and rich AB polarization MK 2280
MK 2280 amplifier is designed with solid-state technology and is totally dual-mono, with polarization in class AB and power structure realized with the help of two toroidal power Transformers at 320 VA each and a filtering system total of 160,000 UF, to ensure that even the most challenging demands can be met.
This includes the use of three selected pairs of MOSFET from about 20Ah per channel.
This configuration is obtained by utilizing a low value of output resistance and a high availability of current, providing remarkable control in the way the articulation and the relative content of information within the same spectrum.
Innovative new driver sin pure class”A” gives a great increased quality, control and harmonic richness.
The sound is very similar to that of amplifiers with vacuum tube technology, obtaining great consistency across the entire sound spectrum and high lighting the significant potential for analysis of micro-and macro- detail of the musical content.
The preamplifier section and management inputs is achieved with the aid of technology proprietary. In other words, the amplification stage of low level is obtained with discrete Components (Transistor and FET) with polarization in pure class. In addition, the output stage is constructed with two transformer amplifiers with a 1:1 ratio with the core “C” and a bandwidth of 10 Hz to 100 KHz + – 0.5 db.
Other Benefits
A balanced input transformer, in addition to four RCA input lines, gives the end user the ability to use multiple devices and manage their connections differently.
The volume control system is also quite sophisticated, with the ability to memorize the previous state and mute all inputs.
MK 2280 has a rear switch with the task of feeding the whole machine and ensure the right operating temperature.
It is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes before listening to music.
The last point concerns the placement in the same environment. It is important to ensure good ventilation on the whole surface of the amplifier, because the internal temperature on same heat sinks as part of the power stage has an optimal operating temperature of 60° C. If the temperature were to exceed this, the thermal protection would come into operation, un hooking the entire power system for the purpose of protecting the amplifier and any speakers that might be connected to it.
In conclusion, the significance of the interconnectivity of the individual assets must not be over looked.
The wiring is made from silver-plated copper provided by Wireworld a master in the world of hi-end electrical connections. This is a magnificent system for ensuring quality connections for both signals and power.
The contacts that bind this system are treated with Rhodium to ensure synergy and quality musical content preservation.
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